Florida, US Fresh tortilla chips with melted nacho cheese, ground beef, corn, pico de gallo, shredded cheese, and mexican cream. $18.00 Corn, mayonnaise, mexican cream cheese, garlic butter, chili powder and lime with a choice of protein, sweet plantains, pico de gallo and shredded cheese. $15.00 Doritos, ground beef, pico de gallo, shredded cheese and sour cream. $10.00 Buttered garllc buttored corn homemade garllc bulter parmesa cheese and ume mexlcan street corn mayonnaise mexican cream gul butter parmeson cheese chlli powder and ume; bacon lover corn mayonndiso moxlcan croam nosan chcose, garl butter; chili powdor ard lima with bacon and queso fresco corny chlp cob mayonnaiso; or cream andyo avorlie chips #ith pammasan cnoose add quoso froeco saucos garlic bultar mayonnaisu moxican cruam cilantro saucu chipollu sauce $55.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00 $2.00 $7.00 $10.00 $7.00 $10.00 buttered garllc buttored corn homemade garllc bulter parmesa cheese and ume mexlcan street corn mayonnaise mexican cream gul butter parmeson cheese chlli powder and ume; bacon lover corn mayonndiso moxlcan croam nosan chcose, garl butter; chili powdor ard lima with bacon and queso fresco corny chlp cob mayonnaiso; or cream andyo avorlie chips #ith pammasan cnoose add quoso froeco saucos garlic bultar mayonnaisu moxican cruam cilantro saucu chipollu sauce $55.00 $5.00 $5.00 homemade garlic butter, parmesan cheese and lime. $9.00 mayonnaise, mexican cream, garlic butter, parmesan cheese, chili powder and lime. $9.00 mayonnaise, mexican cream, parmesan cheese, garlic butter, chili powder and lime with bacon and queso fresco. $12.00 mayonnaise, or cream and your favorite chips with parmesan cheese. $11.00 $1.00 corn, mayonnaise, mexican cream, garlic butter, parmesan cheese, chili powder and lime. $9.00 corn, garlic butter, parmesan cheese and lime. $9.00 corn, mayonnaise, queso fresco, chili powder and lime. $10.00 mayonnaise, or cream and your favorite chips with parmesan cheese. $11.00 corn, mayonnaise, mexican cream, parmesan cheese, garlic butter, chili powder and lime with bacon and queso fresco. $12.00 doritos, ground beef, pico de gallo, shredded cheese and sour cream. $10.00 corn, mayonnaise, mexican cream cheese, garlic butter, chili powder and lime with a choice of protein, sweet plantains, pico de gallo and shredded cheese. $15.00 fresh tortilla chips with melted nacho cheese, ground beef, corn, pico de gallo, shredded cheese, and mexican cream. $18.00 Alcohol served All-you-can-eat Breakfast available Buffet Catering service Alcohol served All-you-can-eat Breakfast available Buffet Catering service $10–20 Family-owned joint known for its housemade meatballs that also serves pizzas, pastas, subs & more. $10–20 $10–20Elote Lovers - The Yards
Popular Dishes
Menu for Elote Lovers - The Yards
- or
- ground beef
- corn
- pico de gallo
- guacamole
- pickled onions
- shredded cheese
- sour cream
- cilantro sauce
- chipotle sauce
- proteins
ground beef
pulled pork
hot cheetos
nacho cheese doritos
fresh squeezed lemonade
regular 16oz. lemonade
jumbo 32oz. lemonade
regular 16oz. lemonade
jumbo 32oz. lemonade
corn on the cob
plain buttered
garlic buttered corn
mexican street corn
bacon lover corn
corny chip cob
add queso fresco
corn fritters $ 10
salty orsweet
- 'salty; cilantro salco tojin;
- queso frosco
- sweecouava condonedmik
- quoso frosco
- in a cup
elote en vaso
garlic butter cup
corny cup
bacon lover corn in cup
taco in a bag
corn bowl
mexican nachos
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