Florida, US Mushroom and peas sauteed in onion ana tomato sauce vith fresh herbs champinones guisantes cocidos salsa cebolla tomate con hierbas frescas $17.95 Okra stin fried with onions bell pepper anc tomato salteado con cebollas fona ces pimientos Whole spices fisn cooked econpan tardoora in marinated oven in yogurt pescado and entero (pcwponio) raninado yogur especia cccinado horno candoori $15.95 Calliflover and potatoes in fresh herbs Jumbo shrimp chargrilled marinatec in yogurt anc spices camarones marinados en yogur la grasa $28.95 urban rrasoi favorite $5.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $1.00 $2.95 urban rrasoi favorite $5.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $1.00 $2.95 urban rrasoi favorite $5.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $1.00 $2.95 urban rrasoi favorite $5.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $1.00 $2.95 $7.95 $12.95 12oz $7.95 24oz $11.95 22oz $11.95 $7.95 $7.95 $12.95 12oz $7.95 24oz $11.95 22oz $11.95 $7.95 $7.95 $12.95 12oz $7.95 24oz $11.95 22oz $11.95 $7.95 $7.95 $12.95 12oz $7.95 24oz $11.95 22oz $11.95 $7.95 $7.95 villa maria, new zealand 2020 $11.95 conte, brandolini italy 2018 $11.95 davis bynum, sonoma california 2016 $11.95 baron herzog, california 2020 $11.95 $6.95 villa maria, new zealand 2020 $11.95 conte, brandolini italy 2018 $11.95 davis bynum, sonoma california 2016 $11.95 baron herzog, california 2020 $11.95 $6.95 villa maria, new zealand 2020 $11.95 conte, brandolini italy 2018 $11.95 davis bynum, sonoma california 2016 $11.95 baron herzog, california 2020 $11.95 $6.95 villa maria, new zealand 2020 $11.95 conte, brandolini italy 2018 $11.95 davis bynum, sonoma california 2016 $11.95 baron herzog, california 2020 $11.95 $6.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 www urbanrrasoi.com ph: 786 703 $8967.00 www urbanrrasoi com ph: 786 703 $8967.00 www urbanrrasoi.com ph: 786 703 $8967.00 www urbanrrasoi com ph: 786 703 $8967.00 chargrillec boneless chicken_ marinated yogurt and spices pollo gesnuesado 1a brasa, lamb cnop = chicken, and snrimp served with naan cnuleta dero, ollo aia ones naan pan $39.95 char fre5{ heres illed, french cut lamb chops marinated and spices corte frances brasa, marinado nierbas frescas especias chargrilled cheese cubes marinated with spices dados de quesc narinacas cc especias brasa $28.95 whole spices fisn cooked econpan tardoora in marinated oven in yogurt pescado and entero (pcwponio) raninado yogur especia cccinado horno candoori $15.95 jumbo shrimp chargrilled marinatec in yogurt anc spices camarones marinados en yogur la grasa $28.95 chargrillec boneless chicken_ marinated yogurt and spices pollo gesnuesado 1a brasa, lamb cnop = chicken, and snrimp served with naan cnuleta dero, ollo aia ones naan pan $39.95 char fre5{ heres illed, french cut lamb chops marinated and spices corte frances brasa, marinado nierbas frescas especias chargrilled cheese cubes marinated with spices dados de quesc narinacas cc especias brasa $28.95 whole spices fisn cooked econpan tardoora in marinated oven in yogurt pescado and entero (pcwponio) raninado yogur especia cccinado horno candoori $15.95 jumbo shrimp chargrilled marinatec in yogurt anc spices camarones marinados en yogur la grasa $28.95 chicken cooked cream sauce with mixed nuts anc raisins cocido en salsa crema nueces pasas $19.95 wok fried chicken with peppers tomatocs ana onions wok fritc con pimientos tomates cebollas $19.95 chicken cooked with eamy spinach and casher nut sauce cocinado sa54 camosa spinacas nueces india 19_ chicken cooked bith nouse mace spices onion anc comatoes cociao con cebolla, comates una riezca de especias cacarac $18.95 chicken cooked =ith mushrooms mild sauce pollo cocioo con champinones una salsa cuave chicken cooked cashew nut cream sauce anc mango pure pollo cociqo en pure de mango salsa cremosa nueces ja india $19.95 chicken cooked cream sauce with mixed nuts anc raisins cocido en salsa crema nueces pasas $19.95 wok fried chicken with peppers tomatocs ana onions wok fritc con pimientos tomates cebollas $19.95 chicken cooked with eamy spinach and casher nut sauce cocinado sa54 camosa spinacas nueces india 19_ chicken cooked bith nouse mace spices onion anc comatoes cociao con cebolla, comates una riezca de especias cacarac $18.95 chicken cooked =ith mushrooms mild sauce pollo cocioo con champinones una salsa cuave chicken cooked cashew nut cream sauce anc mango pure pollo cociqo en pure de mango salsa cremosa nueces ja india $19.95 rogan josh urban rrasoi favorite cookec ginger with kas garlic nmi ana chilies blend ypices onion cocido con chilies cachemira yogur cebolla, jengibre, ajo una zcla especias $22.95 cookec malt vinegar with potatoes and housemade spice blend cocido com mezcla especias casena, dapas vinagre malta lawb butter masala urban rrasoi favorite lamb cookec eamy comato anc cashew nut sauce cordero cocinado salsa tomate mueces je la india $22.95 marinated lamb chops cooked with onions tomatoes house 'mada spicesslen4 blend cumin chuletas coriander, coroero and (lar inadas cocidas con cebolla, tomate,ajc _ jengibre_ comino_ cilantro mezcla especias casera $31.95 lamb cookec in creamy casher nut sauce cordero cocidc salsa crena naces de la india $22.95 rogan josh urban rrasoi favorite cookec ginger with kas garlic nmi ana chilies blend ypices onion cocido con chilies cachemira yogur cebolla, jengibre, ajo una zcla especias $22.95 cookec malt vinegar with potatoes and housemade spice blend cocido com mezcla especias casena, dapas vinagre malta lawb butter masala urban rrasoi favorite lamb cookec eamy comato anc cashew nut sauce cordero cocinado salsa tomate mueces je la india $22.95 marinated lamb chops cooked with onions tomatoes house 'mada spicesslen4 blend cumin chuletas coriander, coroero and (lar inadas cocidas con cebolla, tomate,ajc _ jengibre_ comino_ cilantro mezcla especias casera $31.95 lamb cookec in creamy casher nut sauce cordero cocidc salsa crena naces de la india $22.95 samosa chicken tossed with chilies anc spiccs fried crispy patties stuffec with potatoes and peas golcen brown pollo fcito mezclado con chilies empanadas crujientes potatces quisantes especiales sweet potato chaat chicken mulligatawhy golden fried sweet potatoes with yogurt camarind cnicken lentils vegetables coconut and green chutney boniatc dorado frito yogurt = brotn caldo je lente pollo, verduras coco tamarindo cnutney verae 8.95 $7.95 batterec seasonal vegetables seasonec and friec lentils vegetables in coccnut broch verduras cemporada rebozadas fritas condinentadas calac de lentejas, verduras coco $6.95 samosa chicken tossed with chilies anc spiccs fried crispy patties stuffec with potatoes and peas golcen brown pollo fcito mezclado con chilies empanadas crujientes potatces quisantes especiales sweet potato chaat chicken mulligatawhy golden fried sweet potatoes with yogurt camarind cnicken lentils vegetables coconut and green chutney boniatc dorado frito yogurt = brotn caldo je lente pollo, verduras coco tamarindo cnutney verae 8.95 $7.95 batterec seasonal vegetables seasonec and friec lentils vegetables in coccnut broch verduras cemporada rebozadas fritas condinentadas calac de lentejas, verduras coco $6.95 slow cooked rice flavored with saffron, rose water, and fresh herbs / arroz aromatizado a fuego lento con hierbas frescas, azafrán y agua $22.95 slow cooked rice flavored with saffron, rose water, and fresh herbs / arroz aromatizado a fuego lento con hierbas frescas, azafrán y agua $22.95 slow cooked rice flavored with saffron, rose water, and fresh herbs / arroz aromatizado a fuego lento con hierbas frescas, azafrán y agua $18.95 slow cooked rice flavored with saffron, rose water, and fresh herbs / arroz aromatizado a fuego lento con hierbas frescas, azafrán y agua $22.95 slow cooked rice flavored with saffron, rose water, and fresh herbs / arroz aromatizado a fuego lento con hierbas frescas, azafrán y agua $20.95 slow cooked rice flavored with saffron, rose water, and fresh herbs / arroz aromatizado a fuego lento con hierbas frescas, azafrán y agua $22.95 slow cooked rice flavored with saffron, rose water, and fresh herbs / arroz aromatizado a fuego lento con hierbas frescas, azafrán y agua $22.95 slow cooked rice flavored with saffron, rose water, and fresh herbs / arroz aromatizado a fuego lento con hierbas frescas, azafrán y agua $18.95 slow cooked rice flavored with saffron, rose water, and fresh herbs / arroz aromatizado a fuego lento con hierbas frescas, azafrán y agua $22.95 slow cooked rice flavored with saffron, rose water, and fresh herbs / arroz aromatizado a fuego lento con hierbas frescas, azafrán y agua $20.95 yellow lentils ccokec witn onion , garlic , anc cumin lentejas amarillas cocidas com ceboll ajo comino black lentils cooked with butter and spices lentejas negra cocidas con mantequilla esecias $16.95 yellou lentils cookec vith spinach lentejas amarillas cocidas con espinacas $16.95 yellow lentils ccokec witn onion , garlic , anc cumin lentejas amarillas cocidas com ceboll ajo comino black lentils cooked with butter and spices lentejas negra cocidas con mantequilla esecias $16.95 yellou lentils cookec vith spinach lentejas amarillas cocidas con espinacas $16.95 chama kasala urban rrasoi favorice chickpeas onions anc tomatoes sauteed gravy garcanzos cebollas eora les salsa $17.95 calliflover and potatoes in fresh herbs mushroom and peas sauteed in onion ana tomato sauce vith fresh herbs champinones guisantes cocidos salsa cebolla tomate con hierbas frescas $17.95 okra stin fried with onions bell pepper anc tomato salteado con cebollas fona ces pimientos cheese cubes anc peas sauteec tomato cream sauce dedos queso guisantes cocidos salsa adana fomare $18.95 incian cheese cocked creamy cashew nut and buttery tomato sauce queso indio, sal5 cremosa nueces de la india 18 . $95.00 cheese cudes cookec creamy onion and tomato salce dados quesc cocidos salsa cremosa de cebcllas comate $19.95 cheese cubes cookec with roastec garlic anc creamed spinach dados queso cocidos crema espinacas ajc asado cheese cubes sauteed with onions bell peppers tomato and heros dados gvcsc salteados con cebolla, comates pimientos hierbas $18.95 cheese and vegetable gumplings sauteed in casnew sauce with raisins anc nuts dumplings queso verouras salteadas salsa nueces india, com 0444s nuces caulif over carrots peas ard cneese cubes all cookec creamy 6aucf zanahorias guisantes caulifloker cubitos queso cocidas sal52 cretcsa $17.95 chama kasala urban rrasoi favorice chickpeas onions anc tomatoes sauteed gravy garcanzos cebollas eora les salsa $17.95 calliflover and potatoes in fresh herbs mushroom and peas sauteed in onion ana tomato sauce vith fresh herbs champinones guisantes cocidos salsa cebolla tomate con hierbas frescas $17.95 okra stin fried with onions bell pepper anc tomato salteado con cebollas fona ces pimientos cheese cubes anc peas sauteec tomato cream sauce dedos queso guisantes cocidos salsa adana fomare $18.95 incian cheese cocked creamy cashew nut and buttery tomato sauce queso indio, sal5 cremosa nueces de la india 18 . $95.00 cheese cudes cookec creamy onion and tomato salce dados quesc cocidos salsa cremosa de cebcllas comate $19.95 cheese cubes cookec with roastec garlic anc creamed spinach dados queso cocidos crema espinacas ajc asado cheese cubes sauteed with onions bell peppers tomato and heros dados gvcsc salteados con cebolla, comates pimientos hierbas $18.95 cheese and vegetable gumplings sauteed in casnew sauce with raisins anc nuts dumplings queso verouras salteadas salsa nueces india, com 0444s nuces caulif over carrots peas ard cneese cubes all cookec creamy 6aucf zanahorias guisantes caulifloker cubitos queso cocidas sal52 cretcsa $17.95 $11.95 $11.95 $10.95 $10.95 $22.95 $95.00 $11.95 $11.95 $10.95 $10.95 $22.95 $6.95 $11.95 $11.95 $10.95 $10.95 $22.95 $95.00 $11.95 $11.95 $10.95 $10.95 $22.95 $6.95 3.50 $3.50 5 $5.00 5 $5.00 7.95 $7.95 6.95 $6.95 (whole wheat) $5.95 3.95 $3.95 (whole wheat) $5.95 $3.95 $2.95 $3.95 $3.95 $2.95 3.50 $3.50 5 $5.00 5 $5.00 7.95 $7.95 6.95 $6.95 (whole wheat) $5.95 (whole wheat) $3.95 $3.95 $2.95 $3.95 $3.95 $2.95 bone slou cocked with onion, tomato sauce and fresh herbs con (tueso cocido fuego lento cebolla _ caica tomiate hierbas toascas $22.95 onions bell pepper 5 tomatoes anc fresh nerbs cecollas pimientos mor ones comates hierbas trescas $22.95 cookec cream spinach and fresh herbs cocido crema je espinacas especias $22.95 bone slou cocked with onion, tomato sauce and fresh herbs con (tueso cocido fuego lento cebolla _ caica tomiate hierbas toascas $22.95 onions bell pepper 5 tomatoes anc fresh nerbs cecollas pimientos mor ones comates hierbas trescas $22.95 cookec cream spinach and fresh herbs cocido crema je espinacas especias $22.95 shrimp cooked malt vinegar onions garlic_ potatoes and curry leaves camaron leche vinagre malta cebolla, ajc , patatas hojas curry shrimp cooked coconut milk, curry leaves_ rea chilies and mustard seeds camaron jecne coco, hojas curry, chilies rojo semillas mostaza $22.95 seasonal leaves nu = white fish tard and cooked coconul #fhilie pescado curry gof chilies hojas curry, mostaza leche coco shrimp cooked malt vinegar onions garlic_ potatoes and curry leaves camaron leche vinagre malta cebolla, ajc , patatas hojas curry shrimp cooked coconut milk, curry leaves_ rea chilies and mustard seeds camaron jecne coco, hojas curry, chilies rojo semillas mostaza $22.95 seasonal leaves nu = white fish tard and cooked coconul #fhilie pescado curry gof chilies hojas curry, mostaza leche coco $7.95 $7.95 urban rrasoi favorite $5.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $1.00 $2.95 $7.95 urban rrasoi favorite $5.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $1.00 $2.95 Alcohol served All-you-can-eat Breakfast available Buffet Catering service $20-30 $10–20 $10–20 $10–20 $10–20 Alcohol served All-you-can-eat Breakfast available Buffet Catering service Stylish branch of a local chain serving hearty portions of traditional Peruvian cuisine & beverages. $20-30 Counter-serve Pan-Asian chain for health-conscious noodle & rice dishes & more. $10–20 Old-school Italian eats & NY-style pizzas in an informal, red & white-checked tablecloth atmosphere. $10–20 Middle Eastern restaurant serving sandwiches, falafel, kebabs & salads in a low-key setting. $10–20 $10-22Urban Rrasoi - Kendall
Popular Dishes
Menu for Urban Rrasoi - Kendall
n/a beverages
mango lassi
old fashioned lemonade
sweetened iced tea
acqua panna 1 liter
coke, diet coke, sprite
mango lassi
old fashioned lemonade
sweetened iced tea
acqua panna 1 liter
coke, diet coke, sprite
mango lassi
old fashioned lemonade
sweetened iced tea
acqua panna 1 liter
coke, diet coke, sprite
mango lassi
old fashioned lemonade
sweetened iced tea
acqua panna 1 liter
coke, diet coke, sprite
beers from india
haywards 5000
taj mahal
taj mahal
lagunitas ipa
haywards 5000
taj mahal
taj mahal
lagunitas ipa
haywards 5000
taj mahal
taj mahal
lagunitas ipa
haywards 5000
taj mahal
taj mahal
lagunitas ipa
white wine/sparkling
sauvignon blanc
pinot grigio
white zinfandel
sauvignon blanc
pinot grigio
white zinfandel
sauvignon blanc
pinot grigio
white zinfandel
sauvignon blanc
pinot grigio
white zinfandel
chana masala
saag paneer
aloo gobi
mushroom and peas
mattar paneer
vegetable korma
paneer makhani
chana masala
saag paneer
aloo gobi
mushroom and peas
mattar paneer
vegetable korma
paneer makhani
chana masala
saag paneer
aloo gobi
mushroom and peas
mattar paneer
vegetable korma
paneer makhani
chana masala
saag paneer
aloo gobi
mushroom and peas
mattar paneer
vegetable korma
paneer makhani
tandoori chicken
chicken tikka masala
chicken vindaloo
chicken curry
mango chicken curry
chicken mushroom
chicken korma
tandoori chicken
chicken tikka masala
chicken vindaloo
chicken curry
mango chicken curry
chicken mushroom
chicken korma
tandoori chicken
chicken tikka masala
chicken vindaloo
chicken curry
mango chicken curry
chicken mushroom
chicken korma
tandoori chicken
chicken tikka masala
chicken vindaloo
chicken curry
mango chicken curry
chicken mushroom
chicken korma
lamb rogan josh
lamb korma
- lamb butter masala
- lamb rogan josh
- lamb korma
- lamb butter masala
- lamb rogan josh
lamb korma
- lamb butter masala
- lamb rogan josh
lamb korma
lamb butter masala
order delivery and take-out
order delivery and take-out
order delivery and take-out
order delivery and take-out
chicken tikka kebab
- tandoori mix grill
lane chop
- paneer tikka
tandoori fish
shrimp tikka
chicken tikka kebab
- tandoori mix grill
lane chop
- paneer tikka
tandoori fish
shrimp tikka
chicken curries pollo
chickem kcrma (w)
chickem kadhai
chickem saagwala
- chickem curry
chickem mushrocm
- mango chicken curry
chickem kcrma (w)
chickem kadhai
chickem saagwala
- chickem curry
chickem mushrocm
- mango chicken curry
lamb cordero
includes rice
lame chop masala
lawb korma
includes rice
lame chop masala
lawb korma
appetizers aperitivos
chilly chicken
vegetariar pakora vegetable mulligatawny
chilly chicken
vegetariar pakora vegetable mulligatawny
lentils lentejas
dal tadka
- dal makhani
dal palak
dal tadka
- dal makhani
dal palak
vegetables vegetales
includes rice
aloo gobi
- mushroom and peas
okra masala
- mattar paneer
paneer makhani
paneer tikka masala
saag paneer
- kadai pareer
malae kofta (n)
- vegetable korma (w)
includes rice
aloo gobi
- mushroom and peas
okra masala
- mattar paneer
paneer makhani
paneer tikka masala
saag paneer
- kadai pareer
malae kofta (n)
- vegetable korma (w)
red wine vinos rojos
cabernet sauvignon
pinot noir
red sangria carafe
red sangria 6 .
cabernet sauvignon
pinot noir
red sangria carafe
red sangria
cabernet sauvignon
pinot noir
red sangria carafe
red sangria 6 .
cabernet sauvignon
pinot noir
red sangria carafe
red sangria
sides acompañantes
garlic naan
onion naan
cheese naan
- naan
kashmiri naan
- chutney
garlic naan
onion naan
cheese naan
- naan
kashmiri naan
- chutney
goat cabra
classic goat curry
goat kadhai
goat saagwala
classic goat curry
goat kadhai
goat saagwala
seafood mariscos
shrimp vindaloo
- shrine cocomut curry
goam fish curry
- shrimp vindaloo
- shrine cocomut curry
goam fish curry
- others
mango lassi
old fashioned lemonade
sweetened iced tea
chai / tea
acqua panna 1 liter
coke, diet coke, sprite
mango lassi
old fashioned lemonade
sweetened iced tea
chai / tea
acqua panna 1 liter
coke, diet coke, sprite
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