Florida, US Casual chain serving charred-crust pies, plus wings, subs & Italian plates in a modern setting. Small 15.49 / large 18.49 each addillonal ilem $1.99 Loigo moaibolis nowty c9onod n 9ua19onal gouco 1.00 gmall () 0,0d laipo toko ino pot homo moalball: $20.05 Oll; tomalo and arugula, served on focaccla bgegg 1, olive 9.99 coal oven roast beet sandwicdd romaine leffuce and tomalo, served on focaccla bregg $9.99 Small 7,20 famlly add oorgonzoia or mozzarollo $2.29 6minu] thlnly slicod ond sorvod wilh our frosh tomalo sauco ond romano chooso small 6.99 / largo $11.69 iallan groens, sautcod in garlic and olvsone bittor servod wilh our ilalian sausage small 7.99 large 12.99 pork ribs with vinegcrip eopers roosted in our coal oven wlth garlic, spicy vinegar peppers gnd whlle wine small (6 ribs) 13.69 large (12 ribs) $19.99 thlnly slicod ond sorvod wllh our frosh tomalo sauco and romano choosg small 6.99 largo $11.69 itollan groons, sautcod in gorlic_ and ollvo oil, bittor servod wiih our ilalian sausoge small 7.99 large 12.99 pork ribs with vinegcarip eopers roasted in our coal oven with gorlic; wine spicy vinegar peppers and whlle smoll (6sr109) 13.69 / large (12 rlbs) $19.99 tho squaro marghonicouca; lopped mim frosh mozzorolla ond plum frosh daell rlcolo. mozzarolla and rorono cnuaso phllly cheosorocand sorved wilh our eggplantaarinoored wih ou fresh fomgteeauce thinly slicod eggplani; "orano chooso and fresh basii baty mooiballis ovor our tradilional plo grande mozzarella, italian plum tomatoes, romano cheese, basil and olive oil $10.99 italian sausage, mushrooms, kalamata olives, prosciutto, long hot finger peppers, anchovies, onions, pepperoni, sweet peppers $1.99 $10.99 italian sausage, mushrooms, kalamata olives, prosciutto, long hot finger peppers, anchovies, onions, pepperoni, sweet peppers $1.09 tr_ nolian pium iomoton jotnano cnoate 174" (ord" 10- iopoinos tallan souog : muobrooncnonns proacluno long !tol ! inger opprt eweat odooit ontons, popooucn audmonoi adcn maan @0 0u ginall 00 eocn odduional itomn specialty,pies smol 12' 10 40 / lurda !0*21 40 cuullnun ant [hiu cund cutited (hod & han *cp 5e ond {ouon vouneluu tomalo & basll tho squaro marghonicsouca; lopped- n grolod romano choaso and frosh paell ricora, mozzarolla and rorano cnuoso phllly cheoseriea &nd served wilih our eggplantaarincored wilh ourt fresh tomote sauce thinly slicod eggplant; chooso and frosh basll inon toppod wilin gralod romano baby mooiballis ovor our tradilional plo small 12" 20.49 / largo 16" 23.49 paulie'$ pie peppors and ricola cheese meaiballs; sausage, hol or sweot bitter iialian greens , sauloed in garlic_ 'and bervedtowian ouc ialian sausaga over @ tradilional - arugulgalad served over our tradiional pie roasted coulillower wilh ollve oll and garlic, mozzarella cheese , topped ofi wilh bread crumbs gunvuu #iii coramicltod 12,60 /20 wings z0 00 00 i0 wig? 6minu] loigo moaibolis nowty c9onod n 9ua19onal gouco 1.00 gmall () 0,0d laipo toko ino pot homo moalball: $20.05 small 7,20 famlly add oorgonzoia or mozzarollo $2.29 small 5.40 / lorgo $8.90 oll; tomalo and arugula, served on focaccla bgegg 1, olive 9.99 coal oven roast beet sandwicdd romaine leffuce and tomalo, served on focaccla bregg $9.99 small 15.49 / large 18.49 each addillonal ilem $1.99 small 15.49 / large 18.49 each addillonal ilem $1.99 tra rtolian pium iomotort tanaa onono cnoato moncons" noncronor06 2* 1j40 (orj 10" 0,00 ull kolarnata ollvez nallon sounoge: muobrbornchonna 'roacluno; oppinor long iloi f inoe; poddrtt 'oddor jntona opoacni oudmionoi adcn enoat wetn @0 00 bnal 109 eocn odduional itomn specialty,pies smol 12* i0.40 lurda 10* 21 40 guuhauw cunafou (hor han ecre 0te njiu equon movhetlu cu and tomato & basll frosh mozzarolla, sllcod iho square marghortceauce; lopped wim grolod romano chooso and frosh dazil ricoria, mozzarolla and philly cheosortea &nd srved wlih our eggplantawarinored wilh our frosh tomoto sauco thinly slicod eggplant; gomano chooso and frosh basil baby mooibalis ovor our tradilional pio small 12" 20.49 largo 16* 23.49 paulie'$ pie peppors and ricolia cheese mealballs, sausage, hol or sweot olive oii, bitter italion greons , sauloed in garlic 'and burvedravian gucialian sausago over a tradiionol arugulcalad served over our tradilonal pie roasted coullillower wllh olive oll and mzzarella cheese , topped off wilh bread crumbs bitter qralian sausaga over @ tradilional pie served wilh our arugul alad served over our tradilonal pie roasted caulifloweoipind garlic;, romano roasted coullllower wllh olive oll and rozzarella cheese , topped ofi wilh breod crumbs tho squaro marghortc ouce, loppod win frosh mozzorolla ond plumg dozii groted romano chooso and frosh philly cheeseriea knd servod wllh our eggplant marinoe wllh our frosh tomalo squco tninisliced ega caiodgrornano chouso and fresh bash babv moalballg ovr oui trodilional pio ic al comes fromthe over gorau #imt cormelou 12,60 20 wings 70 00 00 i0 wigr 6 wind cheese meatdalls with ricoja tomal bouco laigo moalbolla towty cooked in oua laipo .00 gmoll (2) 0,@d 13 moalboll: $20.05 small 7,.20 ramlly sizo udd gorgonzold or mozzarolla $2.20 small 5.49 / largo $6.00 $3.25 $5.25 $6.00 $3.25 $5.25 $10–20 $20-30 $20-30 $10–20 $10–20 Thai specialties such as green curry & fried snapper with chile sauce from a husband-&-wife team. $10–20 Family-friendly choice for homestyle Cuban fare such as ropa vieja plus daily specials. $20-30 Eccentric restaurant & cocktail bar offering specialty pizzas & live music $10–20 Casual diner chain dishing up classic American comfort fare, including all-day breakfast favorites. $10–20 $20–30 $10–20 $10–20Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza & Wings
Popular Dishes
Menu for Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza & Wings
eggplant marine
broccoli rabe & sausage
eggplant maring
broccoli rabe & sausage
cu cuatfeu (hua
no sauco
- whlto pizza
- coramollzod onlons
- mealballs & ricotta
- coal oven traditional pies
grande mozzarella, romano cheese, basil and olive oil
grande mozzarella, italian plum tomatoes, romano cheese, basil and olive oil
- tanda monrarsi aonoronoic 0n
- emoll 17" kalamata ollvuz
- laruo ona iom
- no sauco
- frosh mozzarolla and plum
- white pizza
- coramolizod onlons
- meatballs & ricotta
- olive oil;
- pie
- romano
- dza wu donl
coal oven roasied chickenres
- meatqalls with rigqwa cheese
- 6minu]
anthony's classic "lalian saled
frosh mozzarolla & tomato
coal oven sandwiches
italian tuna salad sandwich
mozzarella and rlcotta
mozzarella and rlcotta
zq4+ rvepies
- 'oddor
- lorvo ona ilom
- no sauco
- frosh mozzorolla and plum
- white pizza romano choose
- coramollzod onion?
- meaiballs & ricotta
- broccoli rabe & sausaged
- pio
- roasted caulifloweoipind garlic; romano
- broccoli rabe & sausagec
- an arugula
- frosh mozzarolla; sllcod
no sauco
- ricola:
- coramolizod onlons
- moaiballs & ricotta
- dond
jza wu
- coal oven roasied ociiickenrig
- 00 i0 wigr
- 6 wind cheese
anthony"s classic ilalon salad
frosh mozzarellg & tomalc
- others
new york style cheesecake
new york style cheesecake
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